The Engineering Technology Forum is Queensland’s premier engineering technology event, attracting hundreds of delegates from government and industry. From researchers to practitioners, technical specialists to decision makers, the forum is a place for everyone involved in the delivery of transport infrastructure to network, exchange ideas and collaborate on innovative solutions.

We stand on the cusp of major change, both in how we move people and goods, and in how we build and maintain the transport network. This year’s forum is an opportunity to explore these changes. We will cover a range of topics, including transformative technologies, global trends and future opportunities, with each element of the program designed to spark conversation on the future of transport, and how technology can evolve to support it.

Terms and Conditions

Cancellation policy

Please ensure you have reviewed the cancellation policy prior to purchasing.

Consent to collection and use of personal information and making use of images and recordings

Please ensure you have reviewed the consent to collection and use of personal information and making and use of images and recordings policy prior to purchasing 

Payment approval

Registrations for this forum will cost the following:

  • TMR staff - $1350
  • TMR Forum Presenters - $625

Please ensure you have your supervisor or financial delegates permission before completing this enrolment.

Please note that you cannot register for another TMR staff member on their behalf - each TMR attendee must register themselves.

With fine food and an entertaining address from guest speaker Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, the 2018 Engineering Technology Forum Dinner is an opportunity to step away from the technical program and engage with colleagues in a more relaxed setting.

Make new connections, renew old ones, and maximise your exposure at an event that is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Dr Karl Kruszelnicki is a great populariser of all things science, sharing his infectious enthusiasm for the benefits of scientific thinking with radio and television audiences across Australia and abroad.

Terms and Conditions

Cancellation policy

Please ensure you have reviewed the cancellation policy prior to purchasing.

Consent to collection and use of personal information and making use of images and recordings

Please ensure you have reviewed the consent to collection and use of personal information and making and use of images and recordings policy prior to purchasing 

Payment approval

Registrations for this dinner will result in your cost-centre being charged $120

Please ensure you have your supervisor or financial delegates permission before completing this enrolment.

Please note that you cannot register for another TMR staff member on their behalf - TMR staff must register themselves.