Risk management encompasses the identification, analysis, and response to risk factors that form part of business and everyday life. Explore these resources to better understand how you can improve your risk awareness.
The purpose of risk management is the creation and protection of value. It improves performance, encourages innovation and supports the achievement of objectives. The department is dedicated to establishing an appropriate risk management culture whilst contributing to good corporate governance through a consistent risk management approach.
Provider | Resource | Location | Type | Time | Skill level |
Management Fundamentals - Risk Management Training
This course is designed for new/emerging managers who are responsible for or involved in managing risks within their daily roles and responsibilities. Contact the Risk Advisory Services Team (RAST) within Governance Branch for further information. |
Online | Course | Less than 1.5 hours | Beginner |
TMR - Procurement Capability |
Focusing on Procurement Risk
This course provides you with the fundamentals of risk identification and assessment, within a procurement context. It explains the basic processes and how to use the TMR risk management tools. You will find useful links to further information and development opportunities. |
Online | Course | 30 minutes | Beginner |
The aim of the documents is to lay the foundation for the formal adoption of risk management practices throughout TMR and align to the International Standard for Risk Management, ISO 31000:2018.
Provider | Resource | Location | Type | Time | Skill level |
TMR Risk Management Framework
The Risk Management Framework provides the structure for designing, implementing, monitoring, reviewing and continuous risk management improvement practices across TMR. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
TMR Risk Management Policy
The policy outlines the key statements and key governance structure to ensure risk is managed appropriately across TMR. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
TMR Risk Management Guide
The guide provides advice on how to undertake the risk management process, the approach and the roles and responsibilities when managing risks. The Guide is aligned to the international standard ISO 31000:2018, Risk management — Guidelines. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
Fraud and Corruption Control Risk Management Guide
This guide provides an overview of TMR's fraud and corruption control risk management process. It should be read concurrently with the following documents:
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
TMR Risk Appetite Statement
Risk appetite is the amount of risk which the TMR considers to be acceptable in pursuit of its strategic and operational objectives. The risk appetite matrix aims to provide guidance on TMR’s willingness to assume a level of risk to achieve those objectives. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
Internal Control Framework
The Internal Control Framework summarises TMR's holistic approach to:
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
TMR Risk Management Glossary
A tabular representation of risk terms and definitions/descriptions used in Risk Management. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
A range of tools, templates and guides are available for managing risks. These can be used according to the needs of the business area or type of risk management work being undertaken.
Provider | Resource | Location | Type | Time | Skill level |
TMR Opportunity assessment and ratings matrix
The TMR Opportunity assessment and ratings matrix has been developed to ensure that identified potential opportunities impacting on TMR are assessed and rated consistently. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
Using the TMR opportunity assessment and ratings matrix
A how-to guide that provides guidance into the use of the TMR Opportunity assessment and ratings matrix and the analysis of the benefits and likelihood of any opportunities. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
TMR Business Area Risk Register
A Risk Register designed to capture and assess operational risks below the TMR Branch level. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
TMR Project and Program Risk Register
A Risk Register designed to capture and assess Project/Program risks. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
TMR Risk assessment and ratings matrix
The TMR Risk assessment and ratings matrix has been developed to ensure the evaluation of TMR risks and the assessment of likelihood and consequence categories are consistently applied. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
TMR Risk prompt list
The Risk Prompt List (RPL) provides a set of frequent risk sources that can be used to stimulate thinkingabout the sources of risk to a particular activity undertaken by, or with, TMR. |
Online | Resource | N/A | General |
TMR Risk Management System (RMS) - used for strategic, portfolio and branch level risks only.
TMR's Risk Management System (RMS) improves our risk management practices across the entire department. The RMS is used to manage strategic risks, enterprise operating risks, divisional risks and branch risks information. The RMS replaces previous risk management practices which relied on excel spreadsheets. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
Determining control effectiveness rating
Since the objective of controls is to minimise exposure to risks, it is important to ensure controls remain effective. This document provides guidance on how to determine the control effectiveness rating. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
3PCM - used for managing Queensland Transport and Roads Investment Program (QTRIP) project risks.
The 3PCM solution provides TMR with the capability to manage the Transport Infrastructure Portfolio (TIP), through integration of the portfolio, program, project and contract management processes. The solution manages Queensland Transport Infrastructure Program (QTRIP) activity and also delivers the QTRIP development and publications requirements. |
Online | Tool | N/A | General |
Taking a risk to achieve a goal requires courage to face the fear of uncertainty. No matter the outcome, either way, we grow through the process and become more resilient and confident. Better yet, building those skills helps in taking more risks and improves the chances of achieving future goals. These self-development resources will assist you with skills appropriate to your indivdual cicumstances, whether you are a risk manager or someone simply performing day to day tasks.
Provider | Resource | Location | Type | Time | Skill level |
LinkedIn Learning |
Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset
This course shows how to put critical thinking knowledge to work to create a mindset that enables you to examine information and determine how to assess information you can trust. It also shows how to develop mental agility to apply insights from one context to the next, ways you can avoid overthinking, and tips on how to balance rational, strategic, and even emotional thinking. After this course, you’ll be on your way to developing the mindset necessary for critical thinking to flourish. |
Online | Course | 58 minutes | Intermediate |
LinkedIn Learning |
Creating an Adaptable Team
This course offers solutions, showing how to build a flexibility, growth, and courage mindset. Finally, find out how to improve your critical thinking skills and become a better conflict manager. |
Online | Course | 40 minutes | Intermediate |
LinkedIn Learning |
Develop Critical Thinking, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving Skills
Learn how to use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions, and approaches to problems. Discover how to question assumptions, apply sound reasoning, break down complex issues into manageable pieces, and grasp the implications of information. |
Online | Course | 4h 52 minutes | Beginner |
LinkedIn Learning |
Critical Thinking
In this course, leadership trainer and expert Mike Figliuolo outlines a series of techniques to help you develop your critical thinking skills. He reveals how to define the problem you're trying to solve and then provides a number of critical thinking tools such as blowing up the business, asking the 5 whys and the 7 so whats, exploring the 80/20 rule, and more. He also provides guidance on how to develop this skill across your whole team. |
Online | Course | 59 minutes | General |
LinkedIn Learning |
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
In this course, Dr. Eric Zackrison shows how to critically assess the source of information and how to determine the right approach to take. Eric also demonstrates strategies for approaching both simple and complex problems, and details taking your team through the entire life cycle of a challenging decision. He also imparts an understanding of common traps people fall into when solving problems, both individually and as a team. After this course, you’ll have the tools to approach your next problem more critically and solve it more effectively. |
Online | Course | 45 minutes | General |
LinkedIn Learning |
Take a More Creative Approach to Problem Solving
This course builds on insights from improv, design thinking, comedy writing, and startup incubation. The lessons in this course offer you concrete tools for creative thinking. The ability to think and solve problems creatively is built into the human brain. Curiosity, experimentation, and innovation define us as a species. |
Online | Course | 27 minutes | Beginner |
LinkedIn Learning |
Problem Solving Techniques
This course takes you through several methods for identifying what's actually causing a problem, including looking at the whole system when a problem is actually a symptom of a larger issue. The course explains how to generate potential solutions using mind maps and decision trees, how to boost your creativity to help you come up with more insightful options, and how to use both logic and your intuition to select the right solution to your problem. |
Online | Course | 1h 32 minutes | Beginner |
LinkedIn Learning |
Introduction to Business Analytics
This course is a basic introduction that lays out the foundations of analytics in an easy-to-understand and engaging manner. Expert John David Ariansen explains why data is so powerful, what insights really matter, and how to use common analysis tools and techniques. Additionally, John David explores data source maps, database management, and all the various data sources that may be encountered. By the end of the course, you should have the skills necessary to start collecting, tracking, and analyzing a variety of data, including sales, marketing, and psychographic metrics. |
Online | Course | 1h 22 minutes | Beginner |
LinkedIn Learning |
Overcoming Cognitive Bias
Dr. Michael Shermer, a prominent professor and bestselling author, shares ten common bias people often fall victim to. In this course you will explore confirmation bias, attribution bias, and authority bias, among many others. Once your bias is understood, better decisions can be made. |
Online | Course | 26 minutes | Beginner |
LinkedIn Learning |
Unconscious Bias
In this course, diversity expert Stacey Gordon helps you recognize and acknowledge your own biases so that you can identify them when making decisions, and prevent yourself from making calls based on a biased viewpoint. Stacey explains some of the most common forms that a bias takes: affinity bias, halo bias, perception bias, and confirmation bias. She helps you recognize the negative effects of bias within your organization, as well as the benefits to be realized by uncovering bias in decision-making processes. Finally, she outlines strategies for overcoming personal and organizational bias. |
Online | Course | 23 minutes | Beginner |