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RDA101: Road Design Awareness

This course is to define Road Design and what is involved.

It will introduce typical components of a road. You will learn how recognising the existing road and integrating new elements, enables a designer to produce a suitable solution.

This course also mentions external issues to the road design process that have to be considered to ensure appropriate outcomes.

Program Outcomes

At the completion of this program participants will:

  • show awareness of road elements that are considered when designing roads,
  • show awareness of some technical terminology used when designing a project,
  • be aware of environmental aspects that influence design outcomes,
  • be aware of what forms a suitable design,
  • and apply knowledge through a short test that reflects program content.



Estimated Duration

30 minutes approx

Popular Search Terms/Tags

road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; Cross section; Geometric; Geometry; Horizontal alignment; Horizontal curve; geometry; sight distance; vertical alignment; vertical curve;

Road Design

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