Catalogue Entries
RDG302 - Traffic Parameters
This course is to introduce the human factors that influence the planning and design of road facilities contributing to defining road functions within the road network.
These factors are:
- Stream
- Flow
- Distribution
- Performance
- Composition
- Studies
- road network
On completion, you will acknowledge that roads need to provide for the safe, convenient, effective and efficient movement of persons and goods.
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; crossing; queuing; rural arterials; traffic distribution; traffic flow; traffic stream; traffic studies; urban arterials; weaving; road network; pedestrian; cyclist activity; emergency stopping lanes; traffic composition;
RDG303: Cross Sections
This course is to further explain the components of the cross sectional profile, as introduced in the Geometric Road Design Introductory course.
This course will give more clarity on the various elements and selection of values in design.
The topics covered in this course are as follows:
- Road treatment
- Traffic volume
- Traffic lanes
- Crossfall
- Shoulders
- Medians
- Kerb and channel
- Roadside border
- Drainage
- Public utility plant (PUP)
- Clear zone.
Estimated Duration
1.5 hours approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Annual average daily traffic; average daily traffic; batter; bench; border; boundary line; carriageway; catch drain; control line; crossfall; kerb and channel; road reserve; rounding; shoulder; table drain; verge;
RDG304: Speed Parameters
This course is to further explain various types of speed mentioned in the Geometric Road Design Introduction course, such as:Â
- Desired SpeedÂ
- Operating SpeedÂ
- Posted SpeedÂ
- 85th Percentile Speed
- Design SpeedÂ
- Limiting Curve Speed
- and how roads operate.
Course ObjectivesÂ
 This course will assist you in:
- Developing an understanding of speed and how roads operateÂ
- Developing an understanding and skills in the assessment and determination of operating speed and design speedÂ
- Developing and understanding and application of the Austroads Operating Speed Model.
Estimated Duration
45 minutes - You do not need to complete in one sitting
RDG305A - Roadside Considerations Part 1: Environmental Impacts
Everyone, including designers, has a responsibility to minimise environmental impacts on the Roadside. During the design process, you need to be aware of these impacts and then consider how to address them through the design.
Federal, state and local legislation must be complied with by all government departments and we can achieve compliance (Law) in our work by abiding with environmental duty, policies, standards and guidelines. A competent designer can demonstrate due diligence by seeking out advice from those whom specialise in environmental aspects and roadside environment.
This is part one of a three part course. This module provides key information on the various environment and cultural heritage aspects that need to be considered during design.
Standard (Incl GST): $55.00
TMR Staff (Excl GST): $50.00
Estimated Duration
60 minutes
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Geotextile; noise propagation; riparian zone; fauna management; noise control; air quality; sound; noise generation; acoustic; noise barriers; safety barrier; maintenance; soil; land management; soil sodicity; contaminated land; cultural heritage; native title;
RDG305B - Roadside Considerations Part 2: Roadside Amenity
Everyone, including designers, has a responsibility to minimise environmental impacts on the Roadside. During the design process, you need to be aware of these impacts and then consider how to address them through the design.
Federal, state and local legislation must be complied with by all government departments and we can achieve compliance (Law) in our work by abiding with environmental duty, policies, standards and guidelines. A competent designer can demonstrate due diligence by seeking out advice from those whom specialise in environmental aspects and roadside environment.
This is part two of a three part course. This module provides key information on the various roadside amenities and aspects that need to be considered during design.
Standard (Incl GST): $55.00
TMR Staff (Excl GST): $50.00
Estimated Duration
60 minutes
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; roadside amenity; de-coupling pads; heavy vehicle; rest area; roadside amenity; roadside infrastructure; stopping places; urbane design; regional design; visual amenity; landscaping; landscape and revegetation; safety; rest facilities; roadside vending sites; heavy vehicle interception site; stockpile management; extraction sites; road corridor
RDG307 - Horizontal Alignment
This course is to provide a detailed technical foundation of horizontal alignment design including transitions, superelevation and curve widening.
Various design criteria need to be considered when developing a suitable horizontal alignment and this is often influenced by vehicle speed and driver capability. It must also be designed in conjunction with the vertical alignment.
This course will also assist in selecting appropriate elements being mindful of alignment co-ordination and overall visual appearance.
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Adverse crossfall; broken back curve; compound curve; crossfall; reverse curve; side slope; superelevation; superelevation development length; transition; transition curve; aquaplaning
RDG308 - Vertical Alignment
This course will provide an introduction to the design domain and technical foundation of basic design elements for vertical alignments, including:
- Vertical curves (parabolic curves)
- Curve lengths
- Sight distance over Vertical curves
- Minimum / Maximum Grades.
You will develop a knowledge on how to apply grades and vertical curves, and the need to consider and incorporate:
- Clearance considerations
- The intention of design, its domain and role / responsibilities as a designer.
You will fully comprehend, consider, and apply, key aspects of geometrical road design fundamentals to Transport and Main Roads projects. And also gain the ability to consider simple design problems and develop appropriate solutions for assessment.
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Benching; Cut; Fill, cutting; parabolic; grades; curve; minimum grade; length of vertical curve; vertical curve; curvature; broken back curve; design considerations;
RDG309 - Alignment Coordination
This course will reinforce a holistic design approach when designing alignments and the interaction between elements.
It will provide reasonable understanding and design application with regard to:
- steep grades
- floodways and drainage issues
- self-explaining roads and driver perception
- geometric consistency and optimisation
- Superelevation and transitions
- alignment design to limit operating speed or desired speed
- and balances and trade-offs.
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; alignment; alignment coordination; control points; cross section; design life; driver comfort; driver fatigue; grade; operating speed; horizontal alignment; vertical alignment; terrain;
RDG311: Auxiliary Lanes
This course will provide you with an understanding and skill to enable appropriate selection and use of auxiliary lanes in road infrastructure designs. You will also gain an understanding on how to improve traffic operation efficiency.
Estimated Duration
30 minutes
RDG312 - Intersections
This course is to introduce the learner to:
- Warrants
- Intersection types
- Relative speed
- Basic requirements
- Conflicts
- Identify safety issues
- Sight distance models.
The learner will also develop knowledge of the following intersection sight distance models and how to apply them:
- Safe Intersection Sight Distance (SISD)
- Approach Sight Distance (ASD)
- Minimum Gap Sight Distance (MGSD).
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Approach sight distance; sight distance; channelised intersection; channelised turn treatment; conflict point; four-way intersection; intersection; interchange; relative speed; roundabout; seagull intersection; swept path; T-Junction; two staged intersection; warrant for turn treatment; Y Junction;
RDI201: Geometric Road Design Introduction
This program is to explain in more detail the various road design elements and parameters introduced in the Road Design Awareness course and how they contribute to developing suitable road design projects.
At the completion of this program participants will have gained additional knowledge of the following main parameters contributing to the geometric design of road alignments:
- Speed parameters
- Cross sections
- Sight distance
- Horizontal alignment
- Vertical alignment
Estimated Duration
1 hour approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; 85th percentile; batter; broken back curve; carriageway; channel; compound curve; control line; cross section; design speed; desired speed; footpath; horizontal alignment; kerb; nature strip; median; operating speed; reverse curve; shoulder; sight distancel table drain; traffic lane; transition curve; verge;
RDI203: Design Parameters Introduction
The Design Parameters Introduction course is to explain the design brief or functional specification which sets out the client’s expectations for the project with available knowledge.
It will precisely define expected content of the brief to enable work to proceed.
You will gain an awareness of the documentation required to provide deliverables for various phases of the preconstruction process.
Estimated Duration
45 minutes approx.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers; Alignment control; design brief; design development report; design vehicle; environmental considerations; topography; geology; traffic volume; utility; project brief;
Road Design Considerations
This program is designed to further develop knowledge and skills in the principles and standards of road design and their application in design projects.Â
Content also extends into the consideration of additional environmental aspects of design that contribute to the development of road design solutions. The course involves interactive lectures, discussion, and exercises that form the basis of this program.Â
Program Outcomes
At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
- further knowledge of design and its domain as part of their role as a designer or engineer.
- interpret and incorporate additional key aspects of geometrical road design fundamentals to TMR projects including environmental management.
- recognise design problems and develop appropriate solutions for assessment.
- employ techniques to ensure safe design practice and construction
- contribute to a design team.
Target Audience
All personnel working in the field of road design, such as technologists, technicians, and engineers.Â
It is recommended to complete Geometric Road Design Introduction online course.Â
Business benefits
Personnel attending this program will depart with enhanced knowledge and skills in fundamental road design and how to apply various design standards with recognition of acknowledging additional environmental considerations contributing to successful project management.
Program Content
- Aquaplaning analysis
- Traffic Management
- Environmental and Local Considerations
- Safe systems Approach
- Safety in Design
- Quantities and Schedules
- Project Management
Road Design Geometrics
This program is designed to enable participants to further develop knowledge and skills beyond general awareness and overviews of main design considerations. Fundamental principles and standards of road design and their application in design projects through interactive lectures, discussion, case studies and exercises form the basis of this program.
Program Outcomes
At the completion of this course participants will be able to:
- comprehend and employ the intention of design and its domain as part of their role as a designer or engineer.Â
- interpret and incorporate key aspects of geometrical road design fundamentals to TMR projects
- recognise simple design problems and develop appropriate solutions for assessment
- undertake simple design projects and/or contribute to a design team.
Target Audience
All personnel working in the field of road design, such as technologists, technicians and engineers.
Completion of all online Road design awareness suite and introduction suite courses within the road design occupational/technical competencies priority area of the TMR Development Library.
Business Benefits
Personnel attending this program will depart with enhanced knowledge and skills in fundamental road design and how to apply various design standards.
Program Content
- Design Parameters
- Traffic Parameters
- Speed Parameters
- Cross Sections
- Sight Distance
- Horizontal Alignment
- Vertical Alignment
- Coordination of Alignments
- Drainage
- Intersections
- Auxiliary Lanes
Roadside Considerations Part 3: Roadside Infrastructure and Environmental Safety Considerations
Everyone, including designers, has a responsibility to minimise roadside impact. Awareness and consideration must be given, to achieve minimum impact during the design process.
Federal, state and local legislation must be complied with by all government departments and we can achieve compliance (Law) in our work by abiding with environmental duty, policies, standards and guidelines.
A competent designer can demonstrate due diligence by seeking out advice from those who specialise in environmental aspects and roadside environment. This course highlights many areas of roadside management.
Estimated Duration
60 Minutes. You do not need need to complete in one sitting
RPD208: Speed Parameters and Operating Speed Model
This program is designed to develop the required knowledge and skills to apply the fundamentals of vehicular speed along the road network. Interactive lectures, discussion, real life case studies and exercises form the basis of this program.Â
Program Outcomes
Upon completion of this program participants will be able to:
- Understand the principles of speed and apply it appropriately to Road Design in accordance with accepted engineering standards and guide manuals
- by way of both theoretical and practical tutorials, integrate speed knowledge into the detail design and/or management of the department's projects utilising:
- operational or design speed formulas
- sight distance formulasÂ
Target Audience
All personnel, contractors and local government authorities who are or will be involved in the planning, design and management of road infrastructure projects.Â
Completion of Speed Parameters Fundamentals online course.
Business BenefitsÂ
This program will enhance participants knowledge and skills in interpreting and/or preparing detailed civil engineering design projects consistent with the Department of Transport and Main Roads standards.Â
In addition, it will strengthen participants proficiency in the application of traffic speed fundamentals by investigating motorist behaviour and expectations to enhance safety and minimise risks.Â
Program Content
- Overview of Transport & Main Roads design manuals and requirements
- Additional Speed terminology
- Analysis of recorded speed data
- Design speed practice including Limiting Curve Speed
- Operating Speed Model and its application
Popular Search Terms/Tags
speed; speed data; design speed; speed formulas; sight distance; road design, curve speed
RPD308 Pedestrian Crossing Facilities & Tactile Ground Surface Indicators
About this course
This one-day course offers comprehensive training aimed at equipping participants with robust expertise in selecting pedestrian crossing facilities and designing accessible environments for all ages and abilities, including those with vision, cognitive and/or mobility challenges. Â
Through a blend of lectures, fieldwork and interactive discussions, participants will gain practical insights and essential skills vital to enhancing pedestrian safety and accessibility in a range of situations.
The course is delivered by industry experts ensuring you learn from their lived experiences in the application of current best practices in pedestrian crossing design and implementation for all ages and abilities to use.
RPD309 Pedestrian and Cycling Provision For Planners And Managers
This condensed half-day training course will provide participants with essential high-level knowledge for implementing safe, inclusive, and connected walking and riding infrastructure for people of all ages and abilities.
This is a short course based on the RPD418:Designing for Pedestrians and Cyclists, which has been designed by industry experts to provide in-depth knowledge and upskill participants in the application of current best practice walking and cycling provision through an understanding of user needs, characteristics, issues, and operating requirements.
Fieldwork, peer to peer learning, and real-world team-based workshop exercises form the basis of this course.
View the full course outline.Important | Vaccination Policy |
TMR provides a safe workplace to employees and visitors. Please be aware that from Monday 28 February onwards, all visitors who enter TMR offices or TMR controlled worksites, as a condition of entry, will need to provide their vaccination status, in line with the TMR COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements - WOD Policy. It is the responsibility of the TMR Project Manager to ask the person to provide evidence of their vaccination status upon first entry to a TMR controlled and managed workplace. The consequences of failing to do this may result in increased WHS risk to the department and also may be considered a disciplinary matter for the TMR Project Manager, staff and contractors. |
RPD401 Extended Design Domain and Design Exceptions Parameters
This advanced program enhances knowledge in the use of Extended Design Domain and managing Design Exceptions. It covers the integration of relevant design parameters and values to enable appropriate road designs to be produced. Interactive lectures, discussion, real life case studies and exercises form the basis of this technically focused program.
Program outcomes
At the completion of this program participants will be able to:
interpret, consider, and produce designs within the Extended Design Domain or as Design Exceptions as part of geometrical road design for Transport and Main Roads’ projects.
recognise, analyse, and design context sensitive solutions to address concerns faced during the road design process.
display enhanced confidence in decision making processes directly related to overall road design within the Extended Design Domain and Design Exceptions context.
Target Audience
The course is primarily aimed at personnel working in the development of road designs. This includes experienced road designers, engineers and technicians from TMR, consultancies and local authorities.
Completion of the Design Philosophy and Domains Awareness and Extended Design Domain and Design Exception Concept and Reporting online courses and knowledge of road design and operation.
that have previously attended the Design Philosophy and Domains Concept and
Reporting course are not required to complete the online courses.
Business Benefits
Road design staff participating in this program will walk away with expanded technical knowledge of extended design domain parameters and potential design exception strategies to assist in their roles.
Day 1 Program Content
- Pre-Learning Q and A session
- Cross sectional elements and values
- Sight Distance Parameters
- Midblock design.
- Horizontal Curves design and selection
- Vertical Curves design and suitability.
Day 2 Program Content
- Vertical Curves design exercises
- Intersection considerations and EDD/DE approach
- Minima Combination
- Case study investigation and examples
- Opportunity for trainees to present examples for discussion.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
road design; design; roads; engineer; engineering; designer; civil engineering; traffic engineering; traffic; civil; road planning; planning; road safety; designing a road; environmental impact; roadside; roadside design; safety barriers; detailed; road safety barrier design; road safety barriers;
RPD403 Designing Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges
RPD418 Designing for Pedestrians and Cyclists
This two-day training course will provide participants with essential knowledge to implementing safe, inclusive and connected walking and bike riding infrastructure for people of all ages and abilities.
This dynamic training course has been designed by industry experts to provide in-depth knowledge and upskill participants in the application of current best practice walking and cycling provision through understanding of user needs and characteristics, policy frameworks, safe system requirements and recommended high-quality treatment options.
Fieldwork, engaging presentations by experts and real-world road design activities and practical site visits form the basis of this course to provide a hands-on learning experience.
View the full course outline.RPD421 Separated Cycle Tracks Masterclass (Sunshine Coast)
This program is designed to provide knowledge and develop skills in the selection and design of separated cycle tracks as part of the road transport systems.Â
It includes guidance and case studies on how to design separated cycle tracks through mid-blocks and intersections to conform to road rule requirements.Â
This course is especially relevant for practitioners who have previously completed TMR walking and cycling training courses.Â
Field work, discussion and real life design exercises for the basis of this program.Â
View the full course outline.Important | Vaccination Policy |
TMR provides a safe workplace to employees and visitors. Please be aware that from Monday 28 February onwards, all visitors who enter TMR offices or TMR controlled worksites, as a condition of entry, will need to provide their vaccination status, in line with the TMR COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements - WOD Policy. It is the responsibility of the TMR Project Manager to ask the person to provide evidence of their vaccination status upon first entry to a TMR controlled and managed workplace. The consequences of failing to do this may result in increased WHS risk to the department and also may be considered a disciplinary matter for the TMR Project Manager, staff and contractors. |
RPD421 Separated Infrastructure for Cycling and Micromobility Masterclass
The dynamic course provides in-depth knowledge of key principles, including safe systems, to apply to the planning and design of cycle tracks. It includes practical advice to problem-solve outcomes that cater to all ages and abilities, new and experienced bike riders, micromobility users and people walking. This course extends knowledge in provision of separated facilities for cyclists and micromobility users and incorporates hands-on fieldwork, interactive discussions, and practical redesign exercises, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.
View the full course outline.Setting Speed Limits around Pedestrians and Cyclists
The Setting Speed Limits around Pedestrians and Cyclists e-Learning course is an online module that focuses on how the speed limit setting process accounts for people who walk and ride bikes.
The course also outlines the importance and benefits of setting speed limits appropriately around people who walk or ride bikes.Â
Course ContentÂ
 At the completion of this module participants will be able to:Â
- Â Be aware of the importance of and benefits of setting speed limits around people who walk or ride bikes.Â
- Â Know how the MUTCD Part 4 speed limit review process considers people who walk and ride bikes.Â
- Â Know what strategies you can implement to support speed limit recommendations.
Estimated Duration
20 minutes