
In TMR we all have a role to play in keeping our workplaces safe. By understanding your roles, knowing how to identify and manage risks and being confident to speak up and get involved, together we can reduce work-related injuries and illness.

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Leading Safety

Aimed primarily at TMR leaders, this section contains podcasts from innovative and critical safety thinking leaders that are making an impact and doing safety differently. You can also find the latest safety research and practical management tips.

Safety roles

Start here to learn about your responsibilities and duties under the WHS Act and how you can contribute to maintaining safe and healthy workplaces.

Hazard and risk management

Hazards are anything that could cause harm. Risk describes how likely that harm is to happen and how severe that harm could be. Learn how to manage the more common physical and psychosocial risks we may face at work.

Safety performance reporting

It is important that we report all incidents and anything that effects our health and safety. TMR also has additional safety performance reporting requirements for managers and supervisors. Reporting allows us to: manage safety issues and prevent recurrence of incidents and injuries, identify opportunities for improvement and measure our safety performance.

Consultation and communication

Consultation and communication allows us to work together to identify hazards and risks, talk about safety concerns and work together to find solutions.

Safety Management System

A Safety Management System (SMS) is a systematic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organisational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.

Incident Management

Incident management refers to the end-to-end process starting with reporting the incident through to escalating, investigating, identifying root causes and implementing and reviewing control measures.

Rehabilitation and return to work

Workplace rehabilitation is a process for assisting injured employees during their recovery to achieve an early, safe and sustainable return to meaningful and productive work. It is a team effort and familiarising yourself with the resources available and who is responsible for what will make the whole process easier and assist in achieving positive outcomes.

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