Resource Management

Understanding resource management help you make efficient and effective use of personal and organisational resources

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Accurate estimation of resources

To minimise wastage in budget and effort:

  • Identify the resources required for a task.
  • Consider resource use for the same, or a similar task previously.
  • Recognise the appropriate (tools/methodology) to estimate resource requirements.
  • Estimate resource use with contingencies included.

Resource use and accountability

To ensure budgets are spent responsibly:

  • Monitor actual resource use against estimated use with accurate record keeping.
  • Take corrective action where resource use is exceeding estimated levels.
  • Report on outcomes to relevant stakeholders to aid transparency and organisational learning.

Utlising staff capability

Makes effective use of staff capabilities by:

  • Understanding the capabilities of individual colleagues within a team.
  • Determining the staff capabilities required to achieve a defined outcome.
  • Determining whether any capability gaps exist against the outcome and plans how to overcome this.
  • Identifying key individuals who should be involved in a task or project.

Staff capability improvement

Improves staff capability by:

  • Delegating appropriate tasks or projects according to team capability.
  • Identifying individuals who could be involved in a task or project, to provide a growth opportunity.
  • Using coaching techniques to build staff capability, where required.
  • Conducting internal (review/reflection) meetings of tasks or projects conducted within the team.
  • Undertaking regular 1:1 performance review conversations with staff to track capability improvement.
  • Accommodating employee telecommuting preferences where possible, to optimise flexibility

Individual capability improvement

Improves own performance by: :

  • Understanding own capability in relation to role responsibilities, through performance conversations
  • Determining goals to address identified skiill gaps.
  • Identifying projects or tasks that provide opportunity to address skill gaps
  • Utilising flexible working arrangements that maximise productivity and wellbeing
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