
The Queensland Procurement Policy (QPP) defines procurement as the whole process of obtaining goods and services.

Beginning with the identification of needs, procurement can include the functions of planning, design, standards determination, specification writing, selection of suppliers, financing, contract management, disposals and other related functions.

On this page you will find generic and discipline-specific mandatory and highly recommended learning and development opportunities

For further information on this capability please contact

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Procurement Delegates (Mandatory)

A Procurement Delegate certifies the approach taken to sourcing and acquisition,complies with the Queensland Procurement Policy and TMR procurement processes prior to contract formation or contract variation.

There are five procurement delegate authority levels, which have different monetary thresholds (that is: level 1: under $10,000, level 2: between $10,000 and $75,000, level 3: between $75,000 and $250,000, level 4: between $250,000 and $500,000 and level 5: unlimited.)

Below is a list of the mandatory Procurement training courses for Procurement Delegates

Procurement and Contract Management

Procurement encompasses the whole process of obtaining goods and services, while Contract Management is the management of the provision of goods and/or services in accordance with the contract.

Below is a list of highly recommended and recommended learning and development opportunities available for staff that work in procurement and contract management. These learnings include both internal and external learning and development resources.


The ProcureCAT assessment tool measures users' current procurement capability against a series of core and framework specific competencies, before providing users with tailored learning and development recommendations in Accelerate. ProcureCAT will provide you and your line manager with insights into your strengths and and opportunities for futher development. You do not need to complete ProcureCAT in one sitting, you can save your progress and return at any time.

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