Customer experience and engagement

Customer Experience Branch designed Customer experience and engagement to provide a deeper understanding of TMR’s customers, Customers First tools, and the support available to put the customer at the centre of everything you do.

For further information on this capability please contact

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Customer mindset

Developing a customer mindset through:

  • understanding how to put customers first
  • understanding why customer focus is important
  • understanding of government privacy, ethics standards
  • awareness of how to celebrate/showcase customer focused wins/successes, for example CUBIE awards

Who are your customers?

Develop awareness of your customers:

  • know who your customers are (consider different customers, what are their characteristics, citizens, community, industry, partners, suppliers, etc)
  • understanding of external and internal customer needs and expectation.

Understanding your customers

Understanding your customers through:

  • understanding the customer problem and need
  • using a range of research methods to gather customer feedback, insights and data
  • utilising customer profiling and customer personas

Co-designing solutions with customers

Understanding how to co-design with customers through:

  • utilising Human-centred design (HCD), co-design
  • identifying ways to engage with customers
  • considering diversity of customers, for example accessibility, diversity and inclusion
  • awareness of human, physical, digital agency co-design resources, for example, TMR's Customer Experience Branch, TMR's Customer Experience Lab, TMR's Transport Talk

Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management through:

  • building and maintaining a customers trust
  • considering the customer's end to end experience
  • understanding of techniques/tools to deal with customer aggression.

Continuous improvement

Continuous improvement through:

  • understanding of how to turn insights into actions
  • utilisation of customer focused decision making
  • benchmarking, monitoring, measuring and improving customer experiences
  • communicating insights, outcomes and benefits internally and externally
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