

In TMR we all have a role to play in keeping our workplaces safe. By understanding your roles, knowing how to identify and manage risks and being confident to speak up and get involved, together we can reduce work-related injuries and illness.

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Leading Safety

Aimed primarily at TMR leaders, this section contains podcasts from innovative and critical safety thinking leaders that are making an impact and doing safety differently. You can also find the latest safety research and practical management tips.

Provider Resource Location Type Time Skill level
Linkedin Psychological safety: Clear blocks to problem-solving and innovation

Though aimed at leaders, this course can help you understand, recognise and promote psychological safety. For leaders it gives you tips on clearing the big blocks to innovation, connection, and collaboration in your organisation.

Online Course 24 minutes Intermediate
Brady Heywood Rethinking safety

A new podcast series which discusses how the Queensland coal mining and mineral mining and quarrying industries are charting a journey to a safer future has been launched by forensic engineer Dr Sean Brady. Podcasts: 1. Why now is the time for change 2. The role of human error in fatalities 3. The paperwork problem 4. Why everything you know about reporting is wrong 5. Why bad things don’t happen 6. High reliability organisations.

Online Resource 30 mins each (approx) Advanced
Safety Science and Innovation Lab The Safety of Work Podcast with weekly episodes listen and subscribe

Do you know the science behind what works and doesn’t work when it comes to keeping people safe in your organisation? Each week join Dr Drew Rae and Dr David Provan from the Safety Science Innovation Lab at Griffith University as they break down the latest safety research and provide you with practical management tips.

Online Resource 1 hour Intermediate
Safety Differently Learning Teams, Learning From Communities

Learn more about the effectiveness of Learning Teams and a different way of approaching safety conversations.

Online Resource 10 mins Intermediate
Forge Works Safety Work vs. Safety of Work

The safety of work is about understanding individual, environmental and technological factors present at work every day. This blog suggests why it's important to know the difference and what you can do to make safety management activities more effective in your organisation.

Online Resource N/a Intermediate

Safety roles

Start here to learn about your responsibilities and duties under the WHS Act and how you can contribute to maintaining safe and healthy workplaces.

Provider Resource Location Type Time Skill level
HSEnvolvy Safety starts with you

No matter how urgent or important a job is nothing is more important than your safety.

Online Resource 1 min 6 secs General
Momentum Safety Health and Safety Duties

A quick overview of health and safety duties under the WHS Act.

Online Resource 6 mins General
WorkSafe Qld Safety roles and duties

Formal health and safety roles such as work groups, health and safety representatives and health and safety committees give workers a voice in health and safety matters at the workplace, and involve workers through participation and consultation.

Online Resource n/a General
InsideTMR TMR Safety and Wellbeing intranet site

A great place to start your health and safety journey. Visit this site for up to date information, resources  and contacts to  keep your workplace healthy and safe.

Online Resource N/a General

Hazard and risk management

Hazards are anything that could cause harm. Risk describes how likely that harm is to happen and how severe that harm could be. Learn how to manage the more common physical and psychosocial risks we may face at work.

Provider Resource Location Type Time Skill level
Accelerate Making your workplace safe

In Making your Workplace Safe, you will  go through three work environments and be tasked to recognise and control  the hazard. This course is for new starters or anyone that needs a refresher on hazard identification and risk managment.

Online Course 30 mins General
InsideTMR Managing hazards and risks

Knowing how to identify hazards and manage risks assists in the prevention of injury or illness to our workers in the field or in the office. This page has resources to assist you to identify hazards,​ assess and manage risks and review control measures.You will also find Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) for high-risk activities. Note: RoadTek SWMS's are available on Highway 21

Online Resource N/a General
WorkSafe Qld Preventing and managing risks to work-related psychological health

Exposure to psychosocial hazards and factors can impact mental and physical health through stress, psychological strain, job burnout, anxiety, depression, muscular aches and pains, irritability, poor concentration and disturbed sleep.

Online Resource n/a Advanced
WorkSafe Qld Psychosocial risk assessment tool

This risk assessment tool is designed to help employers meet their legal obligations to manage risks associated with psychological injury.

Online Tool N/a Intermediate
Accelerate Working from home

This course provides practical ways to ensure your health and safety, productivity and a positive mindset when working from home.

Online Course 10-15 mins General
WorkSafe Qld Working with computers

It’s important to think about all aspects of how to stay safe and healthy–you work on your computer –no matter where you're working. This information will give you some tips and advice about how to get your office space to work for you.

Online Resource N/a General
InsideTMR Ergonomics for office workers

Posture, workstation set-up and sedentary behaviour are all recognised as a potential occupational hazard. Visit our TMR Ergonomics for office workers page for tips on how to reduce the risk.

Online Resource N/a General
InsideTMR Ergonomics for outdoor workers

Tasks such as bending, lifting, using tools and working in awkward postions can lead to musculuoskeletal injury. This  information will help you identfy and manage the ergonomic risks of outdoor work.

Online Resource N/a General
WorkSafe Qld Identify and assess hazardous manual task risks

To help protect workers and reduce the risks of a musculoskeletal injury, its important to dentify what manual tasks may potentially be hazardous.

Online Resource N/a Intermediate
WorkSafe Qld Biological Hazards

Biological hazards can cause risks to workers in a number of ways. This page has information about a range of biological hazards including bacterial and viral hazards and diseases from animals.

Online Resource N/a General
Accelerate Managing Client Aggression

For TMR staff who interact with the public and/or enforce public compliance with transport-related legislation this course shows you how to observe your environment, manage your message, assess how your message was received and influence what happens next.

Online Course 1 hour per week for 4 weeks General
WorkSafe Qld Smart work design: now and into the future

Hazards and risks associated with tasks are identified and controlled during good work design processes.  Good work design considers the work being undertaken, the working environment and the workers physical, mental and emotion needs needs. Learn more about good work design in this podcast.

Online Resource 12 minutes Intermediate
Safework Australia Good work design

Good work design optimises work health and safety, human performance, job satisfaction, and business outcomes. This handbook provides information on how to apply the good work design principles to work and work processes to protect workers and others who may be affected by the work.

Online Resource N/a Intermediate
Accelerate Asbestos Awareness

This course provides practical information about asbestos and the process to follow if you encounter or disturb it in your workplace. Note: this course does not provide specific training for Asbestos Controllers or employees working with asbestos.

Online Course 30 minutes Intermediate
Accelerate Managing Enforcement Notices

Enforcement notices are issued by a Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) inspector when there is a safety breach or incident. This course sets out the the actions that need to be taken if a notice is issued  at a TMR worksite.

Online Resource 20 minutes Intermediate
InsideTMR Road Travel Safety Procedure

This procedure details safe road travel practices including: driver responsibilities, managing fatigue, driving in rural or isolated areas and driving to road conditions. This procedure applies to TMR workers who operate a departmental vehicles.

Online Resource N/a General
Accelerate Safe Chemical handling

Safe Chemical handling focuses on the safe handling practices of hazardous chemicals to prevent potential hazards in the workplace and minimise risk.

Online Course 35 mins General
Accelerate ChemAlert Hazardous Chemicals

ChemAlert is software that TMR uses to help manage its hazardous chemicals and to meet legislative requirements.

Online Course 3 hours Intermediate
Thermal Hyperformance Heat Stress Management

Some jobs are considered more dangerous than others as they put workers at a higher risk of heat stress. After looking at TMR's data, Dr Matt Brearley highlights the consequences of heat, the seasonal patterns of harm and the pseudoscience that exists within contemporary heat stress management.

Online Resource 1 hour 29 mins General

Reporting and performance

It is important that we report all incidents and anything that effects our health and safety. TMR also has additional safety performance reporting requirements for managers and supervisors. Reporting allows us to: manage safety issues and prevent recurrences of incidents and injuries, identify opportunities for improvement and measure our safety performance.

Provider Resource Location Type Time Skill level
InsideTMR Reporting Workplace Incidents

At TMR, all workplace incidents must be reported. This step by step procedure explains for how to report incidents as well as manage and close-out workplace incidents reports.

Online Resource N/a General
InsideTMR Reporting Workplace Incidents Toolbox Talk

Share this TMR toolbox talk to help your team understand: - what actions need to be taken after an incident occurs - how to report an incident - the different types of incidents and - how to manage and close them out incidents.

Online Resource 15 mins General
InsideTMR Safety Performance reporting

TMRs Safety Performance Reporting is a structured approach to safety reporting, designed to ensure that we are providing a safe environment for our people and others that may come into our ​workplaces.

Online Resource N/a Intermediate

Consultation and communication

Consultation and communication allows us to work together to identify hazards and risks, talk about safety concerns and work together to find solutions.

Provider Resource Location Type Time Skill level
WorkSafe Queensland Consulting with workers

Knowing how and when to consult with workers allows you to get input on hazards, risks and solutions from those undertaking the work.

Online Resource n/a General
Queensland Government Health, safety and wellbeing for workplaces

The be healthy, be safe, be well framework outlines how leadership, culture, work design and work environment all play a part to improve health and safety outcomes for organisations.

Online Resource N/a General
InsideTMR TMR Safety Community of Practice

The TMR Safety Community of Practice(SCoP) provides a supportive environment to enable knowledge sharing, education and collaboration with a focus on continuous improvement for the benefit of all TMR workers​. Visit the SCoP page to view the latest information on safety events, awareness, education  and resources.

Online Resource N/a General
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