Stakeholder engagement

At TMR, we engage with stakeholders to identify and analyse problems before designing a project or service. These resources will help you to manage this process whilst also managing the expectations of your identified stakeholder group.

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Identifying Stakeholders

When identifying stakeholders:

  • identify relevant parties to involve in consultation
  • consider including team members, other teams, colleagues, customers and stakeholders.

Using consultation techniques

When consulting with stakeholders:

  • use a range of consultation techniques
  • successfully match the consultation technique used to the circumstances.

Interacting with stakeholders

When interacting with stakeholders:

  • take the time to understand the values, issues, needs and interests of stakeholders and customers.
  • show respect for the individuals you are interacting with
  • build trust and rapport quickly
  • ensure stakeholders are kept informed of issues and progress.

Determining engagement scope

At the beginning of the engagement:

  • negotiate what can be achieved as part of the project
  • identify and do not commit to what cannot be delivered.

Creating actionable outcomes

During the engagement:

  • involve stakeholders in setting realistic goals
  • clearly communicate identified key deliverables to gain their agreement
  • identify how deliverables respond to the input provided by stakeholders.

Closing out the engagement

Following the engagement:

  • communicate the outcomes of the engagement
  • reflect on and share the lessons you learned during the consultation.
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