Intentional learning

Discover and learn about intentional learning through the investigation of the learning process and learning strategies to achieve your learning goals.

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Intentional learning basics

Intentional learning is defined as learning that is motivated by intentions and is goal directed. To be engaged in intentional learning the learner has to invest some effort in reflection and in controlling and maintaining learning strategies.

Understanding how we learn

Use metacognitive strategies, neuroscience, practice and reflection to increase our ability to learn effectively.

Learning mindsets

Learning mindsets are sets of beliefs that are linked to increasing learning performance. Curious and growth mindsets are two of the main mindsets.

Creating a learning environment

A learning culture puts a strong emphasis on encouraging its members to understand its values, practices, beliefs, skill sets, and conventions. This enables employees to gain the knowledge and abilities needed to perform at their best, better satisfy customers, and help the organisation to grow.

Self-regulated learning & goal setting

Self-regulated learning shifts the emphasis onto the learner, requiring them to be active participants in their learning. Learners are responsible for setting goals and applying strategies for achieving those goals.

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