Time Management

Time management is the process of organising and managing your time. Effective time management means you take control of your time and energy. Taking control of your time enables you to achieve bigger and better results in less time, without the stress.  Learn more about meeting priorities, monitoring your progress, negotiating conflicting priorities and maintaining work-life balance through accessing these resources.


Meeting priorities

To meet priorities:

  • Recognise and define a priority in line with business needs
  • Set a realistic timeframe to achieve the priority
  • Adopt plans to track progress against

Monitoring of progress

To meet priorities:

  • Recognise and define a priority in line with business needs
  • Set a realistic timeframe to achieve the priority
  • Adopt plans to track progress against

Negotiation of conflicting priorities

To negotiate conflicting priorities:

  • Recognise the conflicting priority
  • Maintain a flexible mindset when a priority conflict or change is identified
  • Discuss conflicting priorities with relevant parties to determine the highest priority
  • Re-organise the work by determining new schedules and plans

Balancing work and personal priorities

To balance work and personal priorities:

  • Communicate with superiors and peers when personal priorities emerge
  • Create an environment that optimises focus when WFH
  • practice self care to maintain mental and physical well-being
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