Digital and Data

Digital and data capability describes new ways of thinking and working to meet customer needs, realise opportunities and address challenges in an ever-changing environment. These resources will help you develop the mindsets, knowledge, skills and confidence to put customers first, adapt to change and leverage technology and data to deliver better business and customer outcomes.

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Digital and Data - getting started

Start here to discover more about digital capability and how it can help you work differently and meet customer needs.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is a human-centred approach to problem solving – starting with a deep understanding and appreciation for the customer's problems, needs and opportunities.

Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) helps businesses step into their customers' shoes and see their business from the customer's perspective.


The goal of Lean is to maximise customer value while minimising waste. Lean means creating more value for customers with fewer resour​​ces.


An agile mindset is the set of attitudes that support an agile working environment. These include respect, collaboration, improvement and learning cycles, pride in ownership, focus on delivering value, and the ability to adapt to change. This mindset is necessary to cultivate high-performing teams, who in turn deliver amazing value for their customers.

Visual Thinking

Visual thinking is the ​​use of hand-drawn imagery to communicate ideas, lead groups and individuals towards a goal, and capture outcomes

Working out Loud

Working Out Loud (WOL) is a way to build relationships that help you achieve a goal, develop a skill, or explore a new topic. Instead of networking to get something, you invest in relationships by making contributions over time, including your work and experiences that you make visible.

Digital Leadership

Digital leadership means embedding digital thinking and ways of working throughout the entire organisation. It means fostering an open, collaborative and responsive culture. It means wholeheartedly embracing and celebrating experiments, change and failure.

Information Literacy

Information literacy empowers people to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve their personal, social, occupational and educational goals.

Data Literacy

Data Literacy is having the ability to read, write and communicate data in context, including an understanding of data sources and constructs, analytical methods and techniques applied, and the ability to describe the use case, application and resulting value.

Data Governance

Data governance is a system, including processes and procedures for defining who within an organisation has authority and control over data assets and how those data assets may be used and how to protect their data.

Data Visualisation

Data visualisation is the graphical representation of information and data. By using visual elements like charts, graphs, and maps, data visualisation tools provide an accessible way to see and understand trends, outliers, and patterns in data.

Data Analytics

Data analytics is the process of discovering, interpreting and communicating meaningful insights from data and applying those insights towards effective decision making

Data Management

Data management is the process of ingesting, storing, organising, maintaining and sharing the data created and collected by an organisation. Effective data management provides analytical information to help drive operational decision-making and strategic planning by corporate executives, business managers and other end users.

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