RTO Forum Audience
RTO’s who are licensed to deliver the approved programs RIIWHS205D Control traffic with a stop-slow bat and RIIWHS302D Implement traffic management plan on the departments behalf. NOTE: It is a condition of the licence renewal for 2019/2020 that at least one representative from each RTO attend the Forum. It is highly recommended that all approved trainers attend.
RTO Forum Purpose
- Provide licensed RTOs with an overview of the current and future direction of Traffic Management at Roadworks and Traffic Management Training at both the national and state levels.
- Discuss the potential implications of the future Austroads Traffic Management Training framework on RTOs and trainers.
- Introduce the structure and content of the “new look” QLD Traffic Management Implementation training programs – full and renewal.
- Explain new processes for collecting assessment evidence using a Third Party.
- Advise RTOs of changes and updates to governance processes and requirements.
Forum Agenda
- A word from the Chief Engineer - Dennis Walsh
- Austroads Safety at Road Worksites – The Project & Future Austroads Training Framework - Dan Sullivan - Project Manager, Safety at Road Worksites Project, Austroads
- Queensland Harmonisation Project - Coryn Hedges, Program Manager
- Traffic Management Implementation training package review and feedback - June Lense, Manager, Technical Training and Development
- RTO governance, changes and updates - June Lense, Manager, Technical Training and Development