About this course
The Cycling Infrastructure Policy (CIP) helps us deliver the Queensland Government's vision for more cycling, more often and Transport and Main Roads' (TMR) vision of a single integrated transport system accessible to everyone. The CIP requires the inclusion of cycling infrastructure in all stages of the transport system lifecycle on the basis that cyclists are legitimate road users.
The CIP eBriefing provides you with a short overview of the CIP and its application including the relationship to the Principal Cycle Network, whether you should provide cycling facilities on a project, the definition of explicit or implicit provision, the different types of cyclists and fit for purpose facilities to attract more people to ride.
The eBriefing will provide you with an opportunity to apply your learnings to real case studies and test your knowledge. Finally, learn who and where you can go to get more information about the policy.
Popular Search Terms/Tags
engineering; engineer; traffic engineering; civil; traffic; pedestrian; pedestrian crossing; traffic safety; civil engineering; road safety; active transport; Bicycle; Bike; Bike paths; Bicycle paths; technical guidance; cyclist;