Stages of a Speed Limit Review

About this course

The Safer Roads team in the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) is hosting a series of free face-to-face training sessions in response to the recently published Queensland Road Safety Technical User Volume: Guide to Speed Management and updates to the Speed Limit Review process.

This session follows specifically focuses on the 'Stages of a Speed Limit Review' and assists practitioners to:

  • understand each stage of the Speed Limit Review (SLR) process;
  • know how to identify data that is relevant to the SLR;
  • be able to analyse and interpret data in a SLR;
  • describe the roles and responsibilities involved in each stage of a SLR;
  • know how to prepare a SLR; and
  • identify supporting tools that can help completion of the various stages of a SLR.


  • This event is catered, so please RSVP by midday the day before your session, for catering purposes.
  • Please advise of any accessibility and inclusion needs to assist with your participation.