Having an "R U OK?" Conversation


This is a 50 minute facilitated session with 10 minutes for self-reflection.

Almost half (45%) of adult Australians will experience a mental health condition at some stage in their life, which means that every individual is likely to be impacted or know at least one person in their life with a mental health condition. For many, approaching and having the conversation about mental health, can be a daunting experience. Still to this day, there is an unfortunate negative stigma surrounding the topic of mental health and mental health conditions, which places a barrier for many people speaking up in the workplace.

This session focuses on how individuals can support each other in creating a mentally healthy place to work, including practical strategies and guidance on how to have a safe and effective conversation with someone at work who may not be OK. This session will provide attendees the confidence to support their colleagues and be able to ask R U OK to each other in a safe environment.

Learning Outcomes

  • Have an increased awareness of what mental health is
  • Be aware of some common mental health conditions and how they might appear in others
  • Understand the importance of a mentally healthy team culture on self and others
  • Be able to have a safe and effective R U OK conversation
  • Know where to seek further information and support


  • Recap to mental health continuum, thriving and mental health conditions
  • Understand the occurrence of R U OK conversations - proactive vs. reactive
  • Responding to a mental health support request - types of support
  • Overview of the CARE plus model (or alternative)
      • Change in behaviour
      • Ask for support
      • Refer to support
      • Encourage action
      • + Follow up
  • Learn what to avoid in a conversation and encouragement of inclusive language
  • Know what to do when a colleague or peer is in a crisis
  • Know where to seek further information and support