Supporting Teams Through a Crisis


This is a 50 minute facilitated session with 10 minutes for self-reflection.

Crisis situations that occur in the community can be highly distressing for many people, including those not directly impacted. These events can affect people differently and it can be difficult to know what to do and how to help.


This session aims to educate people about the varying responses and reactions to trauma, how to normalise these reactions and how to empower individuals with practical strategies and support options. This approach supports individuals to deal with the impact and enable post incident growth and enables organisations to assist their teams when a natural disaster occurs.

Learning Outcomes

  • Critical incidents and what entails a critical incident event
  • Examples of critical incidents in the workplace
  • The psychological impact of a critical incident – with immediate, short- and long-term responses
  • Purpose and role of psychological first aid from leaders
  • What constitutes comprehensive support to individuals impacted and people leaders
  • Practical strategies in responding safely & effectively in a critical incident at work
  • Know where to find further information