Work out Loud

​​​Share work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning and collaboration.

Becoming a modern workplace isn’t just about using new technology or changing where we work. It starts with how we collaborate and work with each other. ​

Working Out Loud (WOL) is a way to build relationships that help you achieve a goal, develop a skill, or explore a new topic. Instead of networking to get something, you invest in relationships by making contributions over time, including your work and experiences that you make visible.​

When you Work Out Loud, you're more effective because you have access to more people, knowledge, and opportunities that can help you.​​

Originally described by Bryce Williams​ and ​developed by John Stepper​ to foster greater in-person interactions, the elements of a Work Out Loud culture are also applicab​​le to digital interactions – whether it is via email, an online community such as Yammer, or real-time communications.

Some advantages of Working Out Loud include:

  • promoting the development of an agile organisation by building networks and connections

  • making knowledge and expertise more accessible to everyone

  • encouraging faster problem solving, which in turn leads to innovation

  • stimulating a learning organisation

  • promoting engagement and collaboration across the organisation​.