Share work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning and collaboration.
Becoming a modern workplace isn’t just about using new technology or changing where we work. It starts with how we collaborate and work with each other.
Working Out Loud (WOL) is a way to build relationships that help you achieve a goal, develop a skill, or explore a new topic. Instead of networking to get something, you invest in relationships by making contributions over time, including your work and experiences that you make visible.
When you Work Out Loud, you're more effective because you have access to more people, knowledge, and opportunities that can help you.
Originally described by Bryce Williams and developed by John Stepper to foster greater in-person interactions, the elements of a Work Out Loud culture are also applicable to digital interactions – whether it is via email, an online community such as Yammer, or real-time communications.
Some advantages of Working Out Loud include:
promoting the development of an agile organisation by building networks and connections
making knowledge and expertise more accessible to everyone
encouraging faster problem solving, which in turn leads to innovation
stimulating a learning organisation
promoting engagement and collaboration across the organisation.