Welcome to the GDA2020 eLearning awareness training course. There are four modules guiding you through the basics of GDA2020 through to specific changes to our GIS and Survey systems.
As you may know, TMR is transitioning our GIS/Survey data and systems to the NEW GDA2020 datum. Given the wide user base, this implementation means different things to different users.
Modules One - GDA2020 Overview and Two - Interactive Maps (iMaps) have been released to provide the foundational information to all staff about TMR's initial transition to GDA2020 starting with iMaps.
The GDA2020 Transformation Project team encourages everyone in TMR to complete Module One - GDA2020 Overview to get a general understanding of the changes. Depending on your role and the tools you use, after completing Module One, please complete and of the role specific training courses below.
The four modules and their suggested completion order are:
- GDA2020 Overview
- Interactive Maps (iMaps)
- GIS Clients/Map Info
- Survey Systems
Modules Four - Survey Systems is currently being finalised and will be released in the near future. Stay tuned for more information.
While the number of maps and User Interface remain essentially the same following TMR's iMaps transition to GDA2020, some of the tools or workflows will be changed. This module explains the new updates, how to navigate them and important information about uploading or downloading data.
This module has been designed for iMaps user who regularly use coordinate information and importing of external data into the system. However, all iMaps users are required to complete the module to know about the new updates.